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Introducing the 2021 Fairlight Moderns


Fairlight Books will be adding new titles to the Fairlight Moderns series in summer 2021. In July, two new Moderns will be released: Blue Postcards by Douglas Bruton and Taking Flight by JT Torres. In August, two more will be published: Only About Love by Debbi Voisey and Missing Words by Loree Westron.

Blue Postcards is set in Paris, interweaving fact and fiction and introducing three main characters, one of which is the renowned artist Yves Klein. Written in short paragraphs, so short that each one could fit on the back of a postcard, the narrative is interspersed with observations on the colour blue.

Moving between Florida and Alaska, Taking Flight introduces a grandmother and grandson whose relationship is like no other. Imbued with magical realism and folk tales from Cuba, it is a bittersweet story of a search for belonging.

A novella-in-flash (a collection of interlinked flash fiction pieces), Only About Love dives into the life of a man who loves his wife and two children, but despite this keeps risking losing it all. It is a heartbreaking tale depicting a family navigating illness and its effects on each of them.

Missing Words takes the reader on a journey around the Isle of Wight, along with its protagonist Jenny, a postal worker, who upon finding an undelivered postcard sets herself the task of finding the recipient.

Blue Postcards by Douglas BrutonTaking Flight by JT TorresOnly About Love by Debbi Voisey Missing Words by Loree Westron

Like the previous books in the collection, these latest additions are also packaged in an eye-catching and colourful design by Sara Wood, each with a gorgeous and unique illustration by Sam Kalda.

The 2021 Fairlight Moderns have all been discovered through our open submission process, introducing new literary authors to a wider readership.

These novellas are ideal for book-club readers, with reading notes and author Q&As provided on our website.

These titles will join the previous novellas published in 2018 and 2019. Find out more about the titles in the Fairlight Moderns here.