5 Exciting Writing Podcasts


With audiobooks and podcasts on a rapid rise, the days of long and boring commuting are in the past. With so many different paid and free resources available online, ‘reading’ (or reading-listening) and learning on-the-go is almost effortless (read here how to borrow audiobooks from your local library).

In fact, there are now so many podcasts out there, all on different platforms, that it might be tough to find the most relevant ones to you. To help writers with this, we have chosen our favourite podcasts that focus on various writing-related topics. Here they are, in alphabetical order:

Grammar Girl

A fantastic podcast not only for writers, but anyone who would like to improve their writing. Grammar Girl, Mignon Fogarty, has released almost 600 episodes explaining common grammar and word choice mistakes. The episodes vary in length, with some of them only a couple of minutes long. Start with the episode 070: The Asterisk.

Novel Marketing

A useful podcast for writers who are interested in marketing. Novel Marketing is a 20 min – 40 min show hosted by Thomas Umstattd Jr. and James L. Rubart. The show focuses on book marketing for self-published and traditionally published authors. With over 110 episodes available online, Novel Marketing has had many exciting guests, all experienced in book marketing. If you’re looking where to start, try episode 037: Trolls, Haters, and Critics Oh My – How to Handle Negative Feedback as an Author.

Start Writing

Hosted by two authors, Joseph Bendoski and J Washburn, Start Writing podcast covers anything related to writing, including grammar, plots and characters, as well as many interviews with published authors. The length of episodes varies between 30 min – 1 h. There’re over 50 episodes, but we recommend 042: Setting Part 2: Deepening Character & Tension.

Writing Coaching Podcast

If you don’t have much time, Ann Kroeker’s Writing Coaching Podcast is a perfect choice. Her short, 5 min – 10 min episodes offer guidance on the publishing industry, a life as a writer, as well as more specific writing advice like plot developing or grammar and punctuation. At almost 130 episodes, Ann’s podcast is a useful tool for busy writers. Try her episode 68: Write, Now.

Writing Excuses

A great podcast about writing and literature in general, hosted by a number of different writers with some occasional guests. Writing Excuses are now on their 12th seasons but worry not – the episodes are rather short and to the point, lasting between 15 min – 25 min. We especially enjoyed episodes 12.5: Literary Fiction and 8.5: Breaking the Rules. Podcast transcriptions are also available on their website.

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