In the aftermath of World Book Night, as we all wake with books still clutched in our hands and dark circles under our eyes, we’ll be exploring the different book selecting strategies used for a tiring but satisfying night of reading.
Short but powerful
We spent our World Book Night reading novellas, well, novella submissions, hoping to find more fresh voices and original content to add to our beautiful Fairlight Moderns series. Novellas are perfect to plough through in one sitting. Their tight writing styles and powerful plots evoke a wealth of emotions and make them refreshing page turners, ideal for an evening of reading.
World Book Night is a great opportunity to explore new genres and broaden our literary horizons. It’s a night to share a love of reading by giving or lending books, or even just suggesting a favourite title. Reading a book that’s left an impression on someone close to you adds a whole other dimension to it.
To-Be-Read List
For some, World Book Night is the push they need to finally get through those bedside TBR stacks (some of us also have additional TBR stacks piled neatly on the floor). For others, it is the perfect excuse of buy even more books.
The World Book Night List
World Book Night is all about encouraging more people to read. For those who find themselves unsure of where to start their reading journey The Reading Agency has a list of books to inspire a range of tastes, which can be found here.
How did you pick which books you read? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter or Facebook @FairlightBooks.
Interested in more bookish charities? Next week we’ll be doing a feature on LBF’s charity of the year, Kittiwake Trust.