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Fairlight Reading Challenge 2020


It’s a new year, a whole new decade, which means plenty of reading to do! We’ve created the Fairlight Reading Challenge 2020 to encourage readers to explore beyond their bookish comfort zones and find some great books!

Over the course of the year read or listen to:

  1. A self-help book
  2. A book by a BAME author
  3. A collection of short stories published in 2020
  4. A book set in a country that you would like to visit next
  5. A book that’s part of a series
  6. A book about one of your hobbies
  7. A book on climate change
  8. A book that you picked up because of the cover
  9. A book by an author whose name you can’t pronounce
  10. A book with an orange cover
  11. A book a friend’s been telling you about
  12. A book recommended by a bookseller
  13. A 2019 award-winning book
  14. A 2020 debut author
  15. A book by an author from your home town
  16. A book that’s been made into a movie
  17. A book with the title that starts with your initial
  18. A book by a comedian
  19. A book by a woman about a woman
  20. A book from your least favourite genre
  21. A book endorsed by your favourite author
  22. A book published by an indie publisher
  23. A book you borrowed from a library
  24. A book in translation

Reading Challenge 2020

Let us know how you’re getting on by tweeting or posting your progress using #FairlightReadingChallenge and make sure to follow us @FairlightBooks for more bookish blogs!

If you’d like to swap any of the challenges, take inspiration from our 2019 Fairlight Reading Challenge.