Introducing: Teresa Stenson


Teresa Stenson is the author of Things I Have Learnt About Jason Donovan, a hilarious short story available on our website. She lives in York where she balances a career as a ghostwriter and editor alongside her own creative writing. Her short stories have been published widely and have been placed in several competitions, including The Bidport Prize and The Guardian Summer Reads.

Though Teresa has written almost a dozen books on behalf of her clients, she is yet to complete one of her own. It’s something Teresa hopes to rectify this coming year as she works on a collection of connected short stories. A life-long diarist, Teresa has recently started sharing online extracts from her teenage diaries. You can find them on her personal blog or Facebook.

When Teresa is not writing or pretending to be someone else, she likes long walks, fresh air, Bakewell slices, eavesdropping and cat-stalking.