Sara Siegel

Sara Siegel

Sara Siegel is a lifelong writer and crafter who has worked primarily in community, education, and arts-based organizations including Mass Poetry, Snow Farm: The New England Craft Program, and The Fine Arts Work Center. Sara’s short stories have been published in Wild Violet, Vantage Point, Toasted Cheese Literary Journal, Cleaver Magazine and Bright Sleep Magazine.


Q: If you could travel back in time, which of the great writers would you like to meet and why?

A: Virginia Woolf – I very much admire the way she focuses on characters’ inward lives, making the minutiae universal.


Q: What is the first book you remember reading or having read to you as a child?

A: Sarah’s Unicorn (quasi-namesake and unicorns!)


Q: Is there a book that you keep going back to, and if so, how many times have you read it?

A: Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. But not all of it, just certain sections. I think it’s comfort more than anything else.


Q: What superpower would you like to have and why?

A: Teleportation, because I want to see everywhere.