David Obuchowski

David Obuchowski

David Obuchowski is an awards-nominated and prolific writer of fiction, long-form essays and more. His fiction has appeared in the pages of The Baltimore Review, West Trade Review, Jet Fuel Review, Border Crossing and many more. His non-fiction has appeared in Road & Track, Fangoria, Longreads, Salon and others. He is the creator, producer, writer, and host of the documentary podcast series, TEMPEST, which was recently adapted into a television series. His first children’s book is a collaboration with Sarah Pedry. Entitled How Birds Sleep it is being published by mineditionUS (Astra Publishing) in Spring, 2023.


Q: If you could travel back in time, which of the great writers would you like to meet and why?

A: My first instinct is to say something like Thomas Hardy or Camus, but when I really think about it, I think it would be Bruce Frederick Cummings aka WNP Barbellion. His Journal of a Disappointed Man was one of the most powerful, beautiful, heartbreaking books I’ve ever read. I found myself relating to his rage, to his self-doubt, to his soaring confidence, his highs and lows, his view on people, and his struggle with a chronic disease. (I don’t have MS, but I have Crohn’s disease, which is inextricably linked to me like a second shadow.) We’d have a lot to talk about. Or complain about. at least!


Q: Do you have a favourite quote? (From a book, film, song, speech…)

A: It would be difficult for me to just limit it to one. But I am absolutely the kind of person who will highlight and/or take photos of my favorite passages or lines from books and films.


Q: What is the least interesting part of writing for you?

A: It depends on the story. Some stories, it can be a struggle to get through the initial draft but the editing process is rewarding and joyful. For other stories, the first draft is an exciting rush, and the editing is tedious. I suppose the most frustrating (which is different from ‘least interesting’) is submitting it. You have created something you believe is good, maybe even great, and you want to share it with the world. Then you find the publications you want to submit to, and you do it, and you feel so hopeful and excited and then… and then you remember that you’re not going to hear anything for about three months, and when you do, it will more than likely be a rejection.