Holden Schmale

Holden Schmale

Holden Schmale was born in the year 2000 in Baltimore, Maryland. He is currently completing his bachelor’s degree in English with a minor in creative writing at the Towson University Honors College in Towson, MD. He has recently been appointed Fiction Editor of the Grub Street literary journal at Towson University.

Holden started writing as a young child, around eight hears old, and started seriously pursuing writing as a profession while in college. ‘Acquaintances’ is his first story to be published. His other work includes two more short stories and two poems. He is also currently working on a novel titled The Unexpected Virtue of Coincidental Circumstance.


Q: If you could travel back in time, which of the great writers would you like to meet and why?

A: If I could travel back in time, I would love to meet Ernest Hemingway. The honesty and truth in his writing is evident in every word. He pulls no punches but also forces none upon the reader. His work changed literature forever. I would also love to meet Edgar Allen Poe. The pain and anguish he weaved into his story telling is still to this day some of the most moving work I have read.


Q: Do you have a lucky writing talisman? If so, what is it?

A: No, but I always must write my work out in pencil and paper before going digital.


Q: Is there a book that you keep going back to, and if so, how many times have you read it?

A: The Sun Also Rises is a book I can rarely get off my mind.


Q: What is the least interesting part of writing for you?

A: Planning. I prefer when I can let my characters write the story for me, rather than planning out their actions beforehand. It simply isn’t as interesting to me. However, a good story does need an outline or an idea beforehand, hence; planning.


Q: If you could teleport yourself anywhere, real or fictional, where would it be and why?

A: I would go to Tolkien’s middle earth because it is the fictional universe that felt most real to me.